Team Spotlight: Randolph

This month’s team spotlight highlights Senior Account Executive Randolph Kapeluck. Randolph has been with the company for 13 years and has garnered 5 years of travel marketing experience. He has spent the past two years in Southeast Tourism Society’s Marketing College, and will receive his Travel Marketing Professional (TMP) certification this year.

Randolph grew up in Clemson, SC and now resides in Daphne, AL with his wife Lauren and two children, Sam (8) and Lily (5). When asked about his favorite thing about working in tourism, he says it’s being able to explore new destinations and marketing their unique travel experiences to drive tourism and economic impact for their communities.

Outside of work, Randolph loves traveling to any beach along the Florida gulf coast, engaging in outdoor activities such as saltwater fishing and carpentry.


2021-02-11T18:51:48+00:00February 11th, 2021|

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